
Route Type

Jurisdiction Type


Route Name

Route Direction


Route Type

Jurisdiction Type


Route Name

Route Direction

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Map Configuration

Layer List


Abbreviated Crash Report

Provides a list of selected crashes, to include case numbers, date, and location information. Limited to 500 crashes.

Crash Characteristics Report

Produces tables, charts, and a map that summarize the characteristics of the selected crashes to include crash severity, personal injuries, road and environmental conditions, and crash events.

Crash Detail Report

Provides details of each selected crash to include driver and vehicle information, injuries, crash location, and road and environment information. Limited to 50 crashes.

Driver Characteristics Report

Produces tables, charts, and a map that summarize the characteristics of the drivers involved in the selected crashes to include age, gender, driver impairment, condition, and contributing circumstances.

Event Characteristics Report

Produces tables, charts, and a map that summarize the event characteristics of the selected crashes to include severity, sequence of events, most harmful event, and manner of crash collision.

Quick Report

Produces tables, charts, and a map that summarize the event, crash, and driver characteristics of the selected crashes.

Road Characteristics Report

Produces tables, charts, and a map that summarize the road characteristics of the selected crashes to include jurisdiction, classification, alignment, features, speed, traffic control, and condition.

Vehicle Characteristics Report

Produces tables, charts, and a map that summarize the vehicle characteristics of the selected crashes to include configuration, registration, travel direction, action, damage, and cargo.



Charts are open in another window.

Crash Details


Crash Details are open in another window.

Select a Dashboard from the dropdown


Collision Diagram

Collision Diagrams are limited to 100 crashes.